Sunday, December 23, 2007

Review : Online photo prints order in India

Recently I was researching for online Photo printing services in India.
I used two of it to order prints of my photos in Pune.

First service I used is
& second is

both services are very similar in features.
First you sign up for the service & then upload your photos in photo galleries .
Both service are following features
Upload unlimited photos & share online Albums
Get photos from Picasa web / flicker .
Order prints online
Get prints to shipped in India or US
Pay in Rupees or USD ( Credit card / Pay pal ) - uses WWW.CCAVENUE.COM as payment processor so one can pay using credit card , or any one of the affiliated Indian bank like HDFC / ICICI / Axis .
On account signup get some free prints. @25 prints are free
For shipping in India shipping cost is Rs 25 for Zoom. in & 35 for snap galaxy.
Usually prints get delivered in India in 3/4 days .
US people can send prints to India or Vice-versa.

Both are good services. These services should keep those rates reasonable. We always have two options 1. Get printed from LAB nearby which involves printing cost & effort of carrying softcopies to lab on Pen drive and second option is for online printing which Involves Internet Bandwidth + Printing + Shipping costs. Advantage with online service is convenience. Good rates will give online service providers a edge over Shop & Lab Competitors.

Original Post on My Photography blog

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Self Appraisal

A little boy went into a store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it over to the telephone. He climbed onto the carton so that he could reach the buttons on the phone and proceeded to punch in seven digits. The store owner observed and listened to the conversation.
The boy asked, "Maam, Can you give me the job of cutting your law n?" The woman replied, "I already have someone to cut my lawn."
"I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now." replied the boy. The woman responded that she was very satisfied with the person who was presently cutting her lawn.
The little boy was even more perseverant and said, "I'll even sweep your curb and your sidewalk, so on Sunday you will have the prettiest lawn in all of Palm beach, Florida." Again the woman answered in the negative.
With a smile on his face, the little boy replaced the receiver.
The store owner, who was listening to this conversation, walked over to the boy and said, "Son... I like your attitude; I like that positive spirit and would like to offer you a job."

The little boy replied, "No thanks, I was just checking my performance on the job I already have. I am the one who is working for the lady I was talking to.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could, and it could go no further.

So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings.

The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time.

Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly.

What the man, in his kindness and haste, did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were God's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If God allowed us to go through our lives without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. We could never fly!

Celebrate life..!!!

My friend Arvind send me this beautiful text..

Thursday, September 06, 2007

New IT resource website

This is a new website for IT Tutorials , Source codes etc .

Thursday, August 09, 2007

An Interesting Conversation between Professor and student.

An Interesting Conversation
An atheist professor of philosophy speaks to his class on the problem science has with God, The Almighty. He asks one of his new students to stand and.....

Prof: So you believe in God?
Student: Absolutely, sir.

Prof: Is God good?
Student: Sure.

Prof: Is God all-powerful?
Student: Yes.

Prof: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But God didn't. How is this God good then? Hmm?
Student is silent.

Prof: You can't answer, can you?
Let's start again, young fellow. Is God good?
Student: Yes.

Prof: Is Satan good?
Student: No.

Prof: Where does Satan come from?
Student: From...God...

Prof: That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?
Student: Yes.

Prof: Evil is everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything. Correct?
Student: Yes.

Prof: So who created evil?
Student does not answer.

Prof: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the world, don't they?
Student: Yes, sir.

Prof: So, who created them?
Student has no answer.

Prof: Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son...Have you ever seen God?
Student: No, sir.

Prof: Tell us if you have ever heard your God?
Student: No, sir.

Prof: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God? Have you ever had any sensory perception of God for that matter?
Student: No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.

Prof: Yet you still believe in Him?
Student: Yes.

Prof: According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.

Prof: Yes Faith. And that is the problem science has.

Now the student said can I ask something to you Professor.

Student: Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Prof: Yes.

Student : And is there such a thing as cold?
Prof: Yes.

Student: No sir. There isn't.

(The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of events.)

Student: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don't have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.
(There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre.)

Student: What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?
Prof: Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?

Student: You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something.
You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light... But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness, isn't it? In reality, darkness isn't. If it were you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?
Prof: So what is the point you are making, young man?

Student: Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.
Prof: Flawed? Can you explain how?

Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?

Prof: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.

Student: Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?

(The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument is going.)

Student: Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?

(The class is in uproar.)

Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor's brain?

(The class breaks out into laughter.)

Student: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?

(The room is silent. The professor stares at the student, his face unfathomable.)

Prof: I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.
Student: That is it sir... The link between man & god is FAITH. That is all that keeps things moving & alive. .
This is a true story, and the student was none other than

DR. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Year 2038…the replica of Y2K

Note: This is just for FYI only, Please Don't try this. This is true and if you do this then your network based applications will not work.

The Year 2038 Problem

Test it now.


1. Login to yahoo messenger

2. Send instant message to anyone - fine its working...

3. Now, change ur system date to 19-Jan-2038, 03:14:07 AM or above

4. Confirm weather ur date is changed

5. Again send instant message to anyone...

Your YM crashes....



What is it?
Starting at GMT 03:14:07, Tuesday, January 19, 2038, It is expected to see lots of systems around the world breaking magnificently: satellites falling out of orbit, massive power outages (like the 2003 North American blackout), hospital life support system failures, phone system interruptions, banking errors, etc. One second after this critical second, many of these systems will have wildly inaccurate date settings, producing all kinds of unpredictable consequences. In short, many of the dire predictions for the year 2000 are much more likely to actually occur in the year

In the first month of the year 2038 C.E. many computers will encounter a date-related bug in their operating systems and/or in the applications they run. This can result in incorrect and wildly inaccurate dates being reported by the operating system and/or applications. The effect of this bug is hard to predict, because many applications are not prepared for the resulting "skip" in reported time anywhere from 1901 to a "broken record" repeat of the reported time at the second the bug occurs. Also, may make some small adjustment to the actual time the bug expresses itself. This bug to cause serious problems on many platforms, especially Unix and Unix-like platforms, because these systems will "run out of time".

What causes it?

Time_t is a data type used by C and C++ programs to represent dates and times internally. (Windows programmers out there might also recognize it as the basis for the CTime and CTimeSpan classes in MFC.)
time_t is actually just an integer, a whole number, that counts the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 at 12:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time. A time_t value of 0 would be 12:00:00 AM (exactly midnight) 1-Jan-1970, a time_t value of 1 would be 12:00:01 AM (one second after midnight) 1-Jan-1970, etc.. some example times and their exact time_t representations:

Date & time time_t representation

1-Jan-1970, 12:00:00 AM GMT 0

1-Jan-1970, 12:01:00 AM GMT 60

1-Jan-1970, 01:00:00 AM GMT 3 600

2-Jan-1970, 12:00:00 AM GMT 86 400

1-Jan-1971, 12:00:00 AM GMT 31 536 000

1-Jan-1972, 12:00:00 AM GMT 63 072 000

1-Jan-2038, 12:00:00 AM GMT 2 145 916 800

19-Jan-2038, 03:14:07 AM GMT 2 147 483 647

By the year 2038, the time_t representation for the current time will be over 2 140 000 000. And that's the problem. A modern 32-bit computer stores a "signed integer" data type, such as time_t, in 32 bits. The first of these bits is used for the positive/negative sign of the integer, while the remaining 31 bits are used to store the number itself.

The highest number these 31 data bits can store works out to exactly 2 147 483 647. A time_t value of this exact number, 2 147 483 647, represents January 19, 2038, at 7 seconds past 3:14 AM Greenwich Mean Time. So, at 3:14:07 AM GMT on that fateful day, every time_t used in a 32-bit C or C++ program will reach its upper limit.

One second later, on 19-January-2038 at 3:14:08 AM GMT, disaster strikes. When a signed integer reaches its maximum value and then gets incremented, it wraps around to its lowest possible negative value.

This means a 32-bit signed integer, such as a time_t, set to its maximum value of 2 147 483 647 and then incremented by 1, will become -2 147 483 648.
Note that "-" sign at the beginning of this large number. A time_t value of -2 147 483 648 would represent December 13, 1901 at 8:45:52 PM GMT.

So, if all goes normally, 19-January-2038 will suddenly become 13-December-1901 in every time_t across the globe, and every date calculation based on this figure will go haywire. And it gets worse.

Most of the support functions that use the time_t data type cannot handle negative time_t values at all. They simply fail and return an error code.

for more information visit

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Top 10 Linux commands for Absolute Newbies

So you’ve installed a flavor of Linux such as Ubuntu or you have shell access to a Linux system and you want to start doing some damage. The admins at compiled 10 commands that every Newbie Linux user should definitely know to start being effective.

1) ls

This basic command is your eyeball into the filesystem. Use it to list the contents of a directory.

A) To view details such as the file permissions, user and group owner, last time file was modified pass the l option as such
ls -l

B) You can search for filenames by using wildcards. To list files that start with the letter f, use

ls -l f*

2) find

Where did you save that file? Use the find command to find your files. The find command will search where you want it to search and find directories or files that match conditions such as name, date last accessed, file size and more. It has got many abilities, and they’re all listed in the man page.

To search for files starting with the letter f recursively starting from the / root directory use the following

find / -name f*

3) man

What did we mean by the man page? man stands for manual, so “man page” really means it’s manual page. Most linux commands have manual pages that describe how the command is utilized. So you can usually type man to view it’s manual page. Great when you’re stuck and don’t know what the command is for or how it’s used. You use it by passing a command line as an option like this

man vi

4) vi

The editor of choice for serious linux users [sorry Emacs fans ]. Use the “man vi” command to read details on this prince of editors. Maybe this is why I love editing and coding in linux, I never have to lift my hands to do anything. Here’s a quick and dirty list of vi commands for you to start using.

A) If you notice on your keyboard the letters (H,J,K,L) are adjacent to each other, which makes them ideal keys to use for navigating this editor.
a) l (move right)
b) h (move left)
c) j (move down)
d) k (momve up)
B) YY - type in Y twice to copy a line
C) DD - type in D twice to cut a line.
D) P - type in P to paste a line.
E) :q! - quit without saving
F) :wq! - save and quit
G) :w! - save

5) cat

How do you view the contents of a file? You can let the “cat” of the bag with the cat command! HA! Here’s how you can use the command

cat filename.txt

6) more

What if there the file you cat fills more than 1 screen? You can pipe the cat command into more which will allow you to view the contents one screenfull at a time.

cat filename.txt | more

7) grep

And what if you need to search for certain phrases or words in a file? And for this we can use the grep command. Say we want to search for all the occurances of the word “passwd” in a filename, we can use the following command

grep “passwd” filename.txt

If there are matches, the lines containing “passwd” will be printed.

8) chmod

You have a script that you need to run, and oh no it won’t run? By utilizing the “ls -la” command you learned you can see if the script has execute permissions. If it doesn’t you may give it execute permission by running

chmod +x scriptfile

And of course, you can run the scriptfile if it is a script by running it with a ./ preceding the filename on the shell command line like so

9) ps

What are you running in the background? How can you tell? By using the “ps” command of course you can view What processes are running under your account.

10) cp, mv, rm

How do you copy, move or remove a file? There’s actually three different commands for each of these functions.

A) copy
cp oldfilename.txt newfilename.txt
B) move
mv oldfilename.txt newfilename.txt
C) delete
rm oldfilename.txt

Original Article

Store personal data with live bacteria.

TOKYO (AFP) - For people who want to ensure their words last for their progeny, Japanese scientists have found a way to literally put a message into genes.

A research team said this week it had developed a technology for storing digital data in the DNA of bacteria, which unlike most living organisms can survive for millennia in the right conditions.

Each hay bacillus bacterium can store two megabits — the equivalent of 1.6 million Roman letters. The scientists can take out the microscopic implants in a laboratory and read them so they appear as ordinary text.

The team at Keio University’s Institute for Advanced Biosciences said the technology needs to be perfected but that it was optimistic about its future uses.

“If I wanted to store my personal diary in these live bacteria and take it with me to my grave, then my story can live for thousands and thousands of years,” head researcher Yoshiaki Ohashi said with a laugh.

In practical terms, the technology could eventually benefit companies such as pharmaceutical makers which want to “stamp” their brand.

“In doing so, the company can detect piracy and protect its patent. They can also store information at one specific area of the gene and retrieve it from there,” Ohashi said.

The researchers insert the data at four different places so even if one is disrupted, there would be backup.

But the team said they still needed to work before the technology could go on the market. In particular, the scientists need to ensure that the DNA will not be altered as live bacteria naturally evolve.

Hay bacillus bacteria are generally found in soil or decaying matter and are especially resistant to extreme weather.

Original Article from

Monday, February 26, 2007

How To Make An Impression w/ Your Resume in 30 Seconds

The terrifying reality regarding your resume is that for all the many hours you put into fine-tuning, you've got 30 seconds to make an impression on me. Maybe less.

It's unfair, it's imprecise, and there's a good chance that I make horrible mistakes, but there's a lot more of you than me, and while hiring phenomenal teams is the most important thing I do, I'm balancing that task with the fact that I need to build product and manage the endless stream of people walking into my office.

But here's a glimpse. I'm going to walk through the exact mental process I use when I look at a resume. I don't know if this is right or efficient, but after fifteen years and staring at thousands of resumes, this is the process.

Read Complete Article

Google Apps aims beyond Microsoft Office

Following Google's announcement on Friday that it would offer an enhanced version of its Google Apps, dubbed Google Apps Premier Edition, the company left no doubt about the direction in which it was heading.

Not only has it added key business applications -- a word processor and spreadsheet -- to Google Apps, but the company is offering the kind of support corporate IT would expect: IT management tools, technical support, and service level agreements for uptime.

Even all that, however, does not tell the entire story or give the scope of Google's plans.

Read the Complete Article

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Why Today's Technical Careers Need Planning

If you are paid to do the things that you love..Wow .this is called Job satisfaction.

Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow .. The idea was that the best way to build a successful career was to follow your gut instinct, seeking work best suited to your needs and talents. In the past, many engineers built their careers doing just that, and nothing else. But times have changed and those same engineers are now saying that technical careers require careful planning. True, you should do what you love, and love what you do. But in today's marketplace and today's technological landscape, love will take you only so far.

Recent years have seen many changes -- changes that are influencing the way companies does business, and changes that are influencing your career. Some engineers might be tricked into thinking that since our environment is changing so rapidly, it's impossible to plan a career. In reality, it's more important to plan now than it ever has been. You just have to plan for change.
Technology has changed and work has changed. When planning your career, you're better off not trying to fix on a particular technology or job description, because what exists now may not exist just a few years in the future, and new jobs and opportunities are being invented all the time. Instead, plan to learn. Choose the jobs that will teach you something that is new and valuable. Build learning into the way that you approach your everyday work. What you learn on the job, and your ability to learn quickly, will keep your career on track.

Employees are now expected to have a much wider variety of skills than they used to have, and that has caused a major shift in career pathing strategy. Pathing used to be vertical. You could remain within the same technology field year after year and if you wanted to predict your career trajectory you had only to look at your manager and your manager's manager. Nowadays, lateral movement is sometimes more useful. Moving sideways enables you to learn more about the business as a whole and build a much wider and more powerful network

Are you convinced yet that you need to plan your career? If so, it's time to get started. A good way to begin is by identifying the primary motivator that drives you
what it is that gets you up in the morning. For example:
I want to follow my curiosity.
I want to find out about the newest and most innovative technologies.
I want to be able to see that I'm making a difference.
I want to find what's broken and fix it.
Once you understand what's most important to you, you'll be able to make sure that you'll be doing what you love -- in a planned way.

Abstract ..In the past, engineers often took a somewhat passive approach to career development. Today's engineers, who face an ever-changing marketplace and technological landscape, need to plan their careers carefully.

Wish you All the best for carrier planning .

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Oracle Decode Function

In Oracle/PLSQL, the decode function has the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement.
The syntax for the decode function is:
decode( expression , search , result [, search , result]... [, default] )
expression is the value to compare.
search is the value that is compared against expression.
result is the value returned, if expression is equal to search.
default is optional. If no matches are found, the decode will return default. If default is omitted, then the decode statement will return null (if no matches are found).

For Example:
You could use the decode function in an SQL statement as follows:
SELECT supplier_name,
decode(supplier_id, 10000, 'IBM',
10001, 'Microsoft',
10002, 'Hewlett Packard',
'Gateway') result
FROM suppliers;

The above decode statement is equivalent to the following IF-THEN-ELSE statement:
IF supplier_id = 10000 THEN
result := 'IBM';
ELSIF supplier_id = 10001 THEN
result := 'Microsoft';
ELSIF supplier_id = 10002 THEN
result := 'Hewlett Packard';
result := 'Gateway';

The decode function will compare each supplier_id value, one by one.

Nokia Symbians Secret Codes

Nokia Code function
*3370# This Nokia code activates Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your Nokia cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%
#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)
*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
*#4720# With this Nokia code you can deactivate the Half Rate Codec
*#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type
*#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work
*#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)
#pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
*#147# This lets you know who called you last (Only vodofone)
*#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)
*#21# This phone code allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to
*#2640# Displays phone security code in use
*#30# Lets you see the private number
*#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your cell phone.
*#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to
*#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to
*#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to
*#67705646# Phone code that removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330
*#73# Reset phone timers and game scores
*#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible
*#7760# Manufactures code
*#7780# Restore factory settings
*#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110
*#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again
*#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem
**21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered
**61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered
**67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered
12345 This is the default security code
press and hold # Lets you switch between lines
The Operating Systems
Symb OS v6.1
Nokia 7650
Nokia 3650
Nokia 3660
Nokia N-Gage
Nokia N-Gage QD
Siemens SX-1
Sendo X
Symb OS v7.0
Nokia 3230
Nokia 6600
Nokia 6620
Nokia 6260
Nokia 6670
Nokia 7610
Panasonic X700
Panasonic X800
Symb OS v8.0
Nokia 6630
Nokia 6680
Nokia 6681
Symb OS v8.1
Nokia N70
Nokia N90
Symb OS v9.1
Nokia N91
Nokia 3250
Nokia E60
Nokia E61
Nokia E70
Nokia N71
Nokia N80
Nokia N92
Nokia phones service codes

*#0000# - SW version
*#06# - IMEI
*#war0anty# - SIMLOCK info
*3370# - Enhanced Full Rate ON
#3370# - OFF
*4720# - alternative sound quality codec ON
#4720# - OFF
*#7780# - default factory settings
*#7760# - production serial no.
*#2820# - Bluetooth info.
*#73# - reset phone timers and game scores.
*#7370925538# - delete all the content of the wallet and the wallet code.
*#7370# - soft format — erases all telephone memory.
[Green]*3 - hard format — if only the telephone memory is formatted, puts back the attitudes and reboots
*#delset# - MMS/GPRS settings removal

NOTE: code depends on phone model

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Applications

The Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist credential enables professionals to target specific technologies and distinguish themselves by demonstrating in-depth knowledge and expertise in their specialized technologies.

Developers holding the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: .NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Applications (MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Applications) certification have demonstrated breadth and depth of skills and knowledge of Web services, .NET Framework remoting, Enterprise Services, and Message Queuing technology.

Technology Specialists typically pursue careers as Web developers, Microsoft Windows developers, or enterprise software developers. They may also be database developers and systems administrators who do not work with the .NET Framework 2.0 daily but who want to show their breadth of technology experience.

Microsoft Skills Assessments for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 will help you focus your exam preparation training and help you find the learning resources that you need to upgrade from Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET 1.0 and ASP.NET 1.1.

Required Exams for MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Applications (Two Exams Required)

Exam 70–536: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Application Development Foundation

Exam 70–529: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Distributed Application Development

Read More

MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications

MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications
The Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist credential enables professionals to target specific technologies and distinguish themselves by demonstrating in-depth knowledge and expertise in their specialized technologies.

Developers who hold the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications (MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications) certification have demonstrated breadth and depth of skills and knowledge of Windows Forms technology, in addition to expertise in data access in Microsoft Windows applications.

Technology Specialists typically pursue careers as Web developers, Windows developers, or enterprise software developers. They may also be developers and system administrators who do not work with the .NET Framework 2.0 daily but who want to show their breadth of technology experience.

Microsoft Skills Assessments for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 will help you focus your exam preparation training, and they can help you find the learning resources that you need to upgrade from Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET 1.0 and ASP.NET 1.1.

Required Exams for MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications (Two Exams Required)

Exam 70-536: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Application Development Foundation

Exam 70-526: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Windows-Based Client Development

MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications

The Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist credential enables professionals to target specific technologies and distinguish themselves by demonstrating in-depth knowledge and expertise in their subject area technologies.

Developers holding the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications (MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications) certification have demonstrated breadth and depth of skills and knowledge of Web application technology and data access in Web applications.

Technology Specialists typically pursue careers as Web developers, Windows developers, or enterprise software developers. They may also be database developers or systems administrators who do not work daily with the .NET Framework 2.0 but who want to show their technology experience.

Microsoft Skills Assessments for Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 help developers to focus their exam preparation training and to find learning resources so that they can upgrade from Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET 1.0 or ASP.NET 1.1.

Required Examinations

Exam 70–536: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Application Development Foundation

Exam 70–528: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Web-Based Client Development

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